Dutch Pancakes

Our family go to breakfast for holidays

This recipe has always been a family and kid’s favorite for the last four generations including my  extended sibling’s and their families. I made this most holidays and many other Sundays when my kids were growing up. I made sure the kids were involved whenever I made them.

I would do the cooking. It was their job to put on the fillings and roll them up. We set up an assembly line with all of the toppings with kids manning the assembly line. Since only takes less than 30 seconds for these to cook, it was fun to watch my helpers trying to keep up.

They can be filled with just about anything, but my family always wanted them buttered, topped with a heaping tablespoon of powdered sugar, then sprinkled with cinnamon. Syrup was on the dining table.

Ingredients (double this if there are more than two kids):

     4 Eggs

     1 cup Flour

     1 cup milk

     1/4 cup cooking oil


First get an empty dish to place it at the beginning of the assembly line for the fresh cooked crepes, the toppings lined up next to that , then finally a dish for the finished rolled crepes. A non-stick crepe pan is best. Lightly oil the pan then pour about 1/3 – 1/2 cup of the batter onto the preheated pan and spread the batter by rotating  while slightly tipping the pan. Once spread, wait until bubbles appear and the edges start to curl, shake the pan to loosen it, then flip over. After a few seconds on the other side, send it over to the kid’s assembly line.