Shore Acres 1962

Summers during high school were great times at our summer home in Shore Acres, 17 miles northeast of Green Bay. There were four families with children in high school. We all became close. We spent summer days water skiing and summer nights playing bridge and talking trash on an enclosed porch outside a friend’s cottage.

I still think of Shore Acres as the center of my universe.

One summer, a few years before, my cousins Dick & Bob Witham from Colorado spent a summer with us. The four of us boys slept in a small bedroom with two bunk beds. Talk about talking trash. My cousins have great memories of that time as well. We were all just coming of age.

Dick and I used to sneak out at after midnight and make tapioca. I do not understand why I remember stuff like that sixty years later and not remember names or where I left my glasses five minutes ago.