E Pluribus Unum

-Out of Many, One-

This is on the back of all U.S. coins.

Here is a gold medalist from the United States that is grateful and not afraid to share her gratitude for the opportunity to represent her country and to share her belief in God.

It is so refreshing to see appreciation for the freedom and the right pursue your dreams that this country has to offer. She is just one wonderful part the diversity and acceptance of the many cultures that make up the melting pot that is America. No other country in the world can say that but us.

If you watch major media, you usually only see protests, violence and negativity from all sides. I guess that is what sells. It is a shame that we are not more exposed to the good side of today’s youth.

The joy on this Tamyra’s face is so wonderful as she celebrates winning gold in the Olympics and the fact that she represents the United States of America.

She makes us all feel proud.

Her name is Tamyra Mensah-Stock.

Her post win interview.